In a world where magic rules from the shadows, there exists a school for witches. This mysterious academy trains young witches on a path of revenge against those who have used them only as tools. Alice, a magical prodigy, has lived her life żeby this goal only to have her world turned upside down when Mari, a magic-less human, enters the school and her heart!
Witch's love at the end of
- ISBN - 9781975318031
- Oprawa - miękka
- Ilość stron - 192
Oferta Cenowa
In a world where magic rules from the shadows, there exists a school for witches. This mysterious academy trains young witches on a path of revenge against those who have used them only as tools. Alice, a magical prodigy, has lived her life żeby this goal only to have her world turned upside down when Mari, a magic-less human, enters the school and her heart!
- ISBN - 9781975318031
- Oprawa - miękka
- Ilość stron - 192
- Rok wydania - 2020