Unimaginable the power and paradoxes of

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Unimaginable. The Power and Paradoxes of Our Minds is a book about a unique feature of the human brain. The belief in the power and the ability of the human mind to fight diseases and overcome stress and worries is a leitmotiv of this work.

While preparing this book, Witold Bonkowski studied a number of materials in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and medicine,including unconventional ones, as well as numerous words of wisdom from the Bible.Witold Bonkowski - b ...

  • ISBN - 9788394084004
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 320

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Unimaginable The Power and Paradoxes of our Minds 26,59 DO SKLEPU

Unimaginable. The Power and Paradoxes of Our Minds is a book about a unique feature of the human brain. The belief in the power and the ability of the human mind to fight diseases and overcome stress and worries is a leitmotiv of this work.

While preparing this book, Witold Bonkowski studied a number of materials in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and medicine,including unconventional ones, as well as numerous words of wisdom from the Bible.Witold Bonkowski - b.

1940, graduated in law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He has a passion for promoting healthy lifestyle. He is a Knight of the Order of Smile (an international award given to adults żeby children to appreciate their love, care and engagement).Witold Bonkowki is an eminent figure not only in Poznan, but also in the whole of Poland, since he is widely recognized as the founder of the Association of Housing Aid for Orphans.

This selfless help, aimed at those who need it most, appeals to us more and reaches deeper than any beautiful or wise words.Niewyobrazalne. Potega i paradoksy naszych umyslow traktuje o nad wyrazj mocy umyslu.

Wiara w potege i mozliwosci ludzkiego umyslu w pokonywaniu chorob, stresow i zmartwien jest tematyką przewodnim tej pracy. Przygotowujac ksiazke, Witold Bonkowski przestudiowal niemało dostepnych materialow z zakresu psychologii, psychoterapii i medycyny - takze tej niekonwencjonalnej, oraz zapisow zawartych w Biblii.Witold Bonkowski - ur.

w 1940 r., ukonczyl studia prawnicze na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, pasjonat zasad zdrowego trybu zycia, Kawaler Orderu Usmiechu.Witold Bonkowski znany jest nie tylko w srodowisku poznanskim, ale rowniez w calej Polsce jako zalozyciel Stowarzyszenia Pomocy Mieszkaniowej dla Sierot.

Ta bezinteresowna pomoc tym, ktorzy tego najmocniej potrzebuja, przemawia do nas mocniej i glebiej niz nawet najpiekniejsze i najmadrzejsze slowa.

  • ISBN - 9788394084004
  • Oprawa - miękka
  • Ilość stron - 320
  • Rok wydania - 2015