Mechanizm YouTube próbował dopasować filmik do oglądanego przez Ciebie prezentu.
Z nami Wynik szukania w zasięgu Twoich marzeń.
Mamy cichą nadzieję, że filmik pomógł w podjęciu decyzji przed zakupem. Jeżeli nie, to choć rozbawił odrobinę.
Według internetowych rankingów, cena tego produkut waha się w okolicach 62 zł. Jak Ty oceniasz ?
Therapists Linda and Charlie Bloom have been married more than 35 years. To understand what makes a happy marriage, they interviewed 29 couples who have been married more than 20 years, who seem as happy as newlyweds--and share their findings.
Therapists Linda and Charlie Bloom have been married more than 35 years. To understand what makes a happy marriage, they interviewed 29 couples who have been married more than 20 years, who seem as happy as newlyweds--and share their findings.